Murray Grant
Murray is a Director of Time Partners. Murray supports Time global fund sourcing and selection, particularly within emerging markets. Murray is an authority on impact investing and development finance and was formerly Managing Director of CDC Group plc, the UK’s development finance institution. Murray led a team of 40 executives managing a $2.6bn portfolio across 150 funds and invested to unlock prosperity and deliver impact in the world’s poorest countries.
Murray has a long history of investing in private markets, spending ten years before CDC as a founding partner at Actis, a leading emerging markets private equity fund manager and was at 3i Group plc for 13 years. Murray’s career began as an Engineer in the early 1980s and was focused on large power and natural resource projects across Emerging Markets. As an experienced NED across multiple sectors, Murray now sits on the Board of Time Partners and advises family and Fund clients on their investments.
Murray has a BSc (Hons) in Engineering from Edinburgh University and an MBA from London Business School.